
Ling Shan Hermit: What kind of knowledge truly serves your needs?

Maximilian Karl Emil Weber suggested that Confucianism is not a branch of practical learning, but simply a value system aimed at maintaining social order. So, in his view, what constitutes practical learning? Studies that examine the number of teeth a crow possesses, when elephants engage in mating activities, the exact measurement of the distance between Earth and the moon, and the methods to increase the computational power of microchips, all likely fall under Weber’s definition of practical learning.

I used to frequently watch BBC documentaries, which often featured Western scientists journeying to Africa. They took blood samples from animals living there and measured their blood pressure, carefully logging data about the mating behaviors of African lions. The stated purpose of such research was that it would aid in our understanding of these creatures and consequently improve our ability to help them. When I was young, I might have thought that their work had some significance. Now, hearing such justifications, I find it somewhat amusing. In my view, as humans, our first priority should be understanding ourselves. Only when we thoroughly comprehend ourselves can we genuinely help ourselves, and then truly assist others, whether it’s elephants or the indigenous people of Africa. Despite the long history of human existence, our self-understanding has not significantly surpassed that of our ancestors in the Stone Age. Knowing the number of bones in our body, understanding how blood circulates, how diseases originate, or grasping Freud’s anal stage theory does not constitute self-understanding. Truly understanding oneself involves grasping the actual condition of our body and mind, both in relative and absolute terms. In this aspect, Western modern civilization is nearly vacant. It is indeed ironic that Westerners devote so much time and energy into researching animals, plants, and even Mars, while remaining largely ignorant about themselves.

I often see many people posting various things on their social media circles. From what they share, it’s clear that most of them do not truly understand themselves: they neither know their own capabilities nor recognize the stage they’re at in their life or spiritual development. They are unaware of what they need and what they can realistically achieve. This lack of self-awareness leaves their lives and spiritual progress in a state of hopelessness. One of the most important aspects of Confucian education is self-understanding, helping you to pinpoint your position in every moment. Only by understanding yourself can you know who you are, understand who others are, and discern what to do and say in each situation. It allows you to understand priorities and gauge whether your actions are appropriate and correct. Most people today lack this ability. They don’t know who they are or who others are, and their understanding of their own and others’ roles is entirely misguided. Consequently, they often create awkward or ridiculous situations.

I’ve witnessed many individuals who, metaphorically speaking, would attempt to place an elephant’s hat on a mouse, or suggest a cat and a mouse to share a meal together. Not understanding your own position or the positions of others can make you come across as unsophisticated, causing trouble in virtually everything you do. When you misunderstand your own position or that of others, everything else tends to misalign as a consequence. This is one of the primary sources of distress in the modern world. Therefore, from my perspective, there’s no more vital practical knowledge than this. Without understanding these concepts, your life and spiritual practice are essentially destined for failure. The conveniences offered by modern technological products (what Maximilian Karl Emil Weber would term as ‘practical knowledge’) are far from sufficient to compensate or replace the devastating consequences caused by the modern individual’s misunderstanding of traditional culture. Thus, this is the practical knowledge everyone should acquire.

To someone living in the Zhoushan Islands, acquiring knowledge about the routines and dietary preferences of a koala holds virtually no significance to their daily life — unless, perhaps, they aspire to take a koala as a life partner. Otherwise, this kind of information bears little relevance to them. Life is fleeting; the majority of us are granted just over 26,000 days on Earth. Therefore, it’s essential that you invest those precious days learning about things that directly enrich your life, rather than delving into trivialities such as the dental count of seagulls or their nesting habits. For those engaged in spiritual practices, what’s truly valuable is learning to understand oneself and the world around us, discerning one’s own circumstances and needs, and seeking out the teachings and mentors that resonate with you. These are elements often lacking in many people’s lives, and they’re certainly not insights one can gain by solely observing African elephants or interacting with a chatbot like chatGPT.

Ling Shan Hermit wrote this on June 1, 2023, and it was first published on June 3, 2023.




  2024 年初,有位朋友跟我说,因为整个世界的转变,现在有很多人开始把眼光转向了玄学领域,然后我慢慢就看到了所谓的玄学创业,看到了禅修创业,就我而言,这些人的出现并不特别令人担忧。从释迦牟尼佛时代以来,这些东西就一直都存在,利用佛法挣钱并非什么新鲜事,只不过大多数时候他们都没这么明目张胆。现在新出现的这些不过是些最粗陋最初级的“自我”海洛因、禅修丽春院和精神老鸨。而且他们只是为了赚钱。这让他们看上去没有那么虚伪,也更容易识别。比起这些一点也不专业的外行搞的东西,更让我担忧其实是修行界内部的人。这些人有真正的传承和老师,有真实的法脉,但是他们却在搞同样的东西。比起那些外行的禅修,他们所提供的东西要精致的多,迷惑性大得多。这样的人为数并不少,虽然他们有老师有传承、虽然他们每天都在念诵功课,但是他们却从未真正修行过。虽然他们从未真正修行过,但是他们却以修行者的身份示人。因为他们有正统的老师和传承,有专业的法器和服饰,又好像很努力地在修行。所以,相对于前者,他们更容易欺瞒大众,让大众认为他们是真正的修行者,认为从他们那里能得到真正的佛法而非精神海洛因。因为大多数人根本就从来也不知道什么是真正的修行。所以他们自然也就无法辨别谁是真正的修行者。这让这些伪修行者得以对自己和他人维持自己是修行者的假象。虽然他们嘴上说的和网上发的全都是正统教言,但是因为他们从不观察内心,也从未审视过自己的价值观,他们不知道自己身上每天发生的事,不知道自己的真实观念从未被动摇。因为从不观察内心,这让魔王得以乘虚而入,在他和他的受众头脑里大肆改造佛法。他们选择性地接受教法,把那些锋利的教法磨平去势。所以,他们所提供的教法,他们发在朋友圈和微博上的东西,那些神圣的教言,被肢解和扭曲,慢慢就变成了精神海洛因,变成了禅修丽春院,而他们自己则变成了精神上的老鸨。他们的受众,则是那些想在精神世界里爽一把的人。这些人,他们不真的想修行解脱,他们只想放松一下自己紧绷的神经,想在精神世界里寻欢作乐。在这场世纪寻欢中,金刚乘无疑成了他们的最佳容身所在,金刚乘不反对贪嗔痴,不敌视欲望(这是他们的理解),所以备受他们的欢迎。这两种人组成了现在相当一部分的修行者。他们是真正的梦幻组合。每天都梦想着不修解脱,梦想着不除贪嗔痴成佛,梦想着不负如来不负卿,梦想着世俗佛法两不误。 作为尚未摆脱无明束缚的人,我们大多数人都还...


我曾经陷入过这样的一种怀疑:“当我去纠正别人错误见解的时候、当我在发表自己看法的时候,我这么做究竟是想要证明自己比他们高明的成分多呢还是想要以此来利益他们的成分多?” 这种怀疑并非近期出现的新鲜事物,它产生于在很久很久以前,它其实是我在某次即将入睡的时候忽然冒出来的念头,时间最早大概可以追溯到二十年前。那时候乔治·沃克·布什还是白宫的主人,川普正忙于管理他的商业帝国,贺锦丽还在加利福尼亚的阿拉米达县当她的助理地方检察官。而我刚刚开始了我的弘法之旅,那时候的我意气风发且充满热情,觉得自己是完全无私的。直到某一天我躺在床上正准备入睡的时候,突然之间,一个念头冒了出来:我这么做到底是想要证明自己比他们高明呢还是想要以此来利益他们?因为对自己产生了这样的自我怀疑,所以我不得不停下来花点时间去发掘一下自己最深处的那些心理活动。最后得出的结论是:无论我是在纠正别人还是发表自己的看法我最深层次的动机其实都是想要证明我比所有人都高明。不止是正在和我对话的那个人或是他的老师。而是所有的人。而我之所以需要这种证明则源于我有一个强大的“自我”需要被满足,当下的现实并没有给我足够的荣耀来满足这一点。所以我转而从其他方面摄取这种自我的维生素,我需要维持这种比所有人都高明的感觉。指出别人的错误并发表自己的高见无疑是获取这种感觉最方便的捷径。这个发现并不令我吃惊,我其实一直都是非常自负的人。即便是现在,能让我心悦诚服的人也就只有一两个。我从小就聪明绝顶,在佛法方面更是闻一知百。而且我是天蝎座,我总是能轻而易举看出别人的问题,看出别人逻辑上的漏洞。虽然这么说很狂妄,但我还没遇到过比我更聪明的人,所以仅凭这句话你就能知道我其实是傲慢到极致的人。(虽然我表面上会假装谦虚,但那只是假象,我谦虚冲和的表象之下掩藏着一颗极为傲慢的心。)假如我只是能看出别人的问题还不是太大的问题,要命的是我还很喜欢指出,喜欢往别人的痛处戳。我很享受这种独醒于众人的感觉。但是很显然,这不是一个受人欢迎的习惯。如果一个人一直这样的话,应该很快就没有人会喜欢听他讲话。大家都会躲着他,很快他就会没有听众。现在我能清晰地看到魔王在过去的十几年里是如何利用了我的傲慢和野心,利用了我急于证明自己的心态,瓦解我和别人之间的信任,让我们的关系变得疏远而紧张。 相对于第一个发现,其实更要命的是我的第二个发现:我发现当我在发表自己看法的时候,我其...


在我们所接受的教育体系里,中国传统文化一直是作为落后批判的对象而存在的。在我们成长的岁月里,书本杂志还有互联网电视一直在告诉我们:中国传统文化没有发明电话没有发明内燃机没有发明抗生素也没有发现石墨烯和电磁理论,因此对世界文明毫无贡献。我们没有爱因斯坦没有亚历山大·弗莱明( Alexander Fleming ),我们也没有比尔·盖茨和乔布斯,我们只有夸夸其谈的庄子孔子和谁也不知道他们在说什么的禅师,他们的理论对编程或是治疗艾滋病毫无意义——在过去的两三百年里,这几乎是所有受过现代教育自认有头脑有文化的人的共同认知。因为掌握话语权的人一直在这么告诉我们,而那些被我们视为最聪明的人类精英也都这么认为,所以我们对此毫不怀疑。直到最近几年这种认知还一直在统御着大多数人的头脑,毫无松动迹象。 但我们也注意到一些积极的迹象,印度政府在本世纪二十年代初悄悄删除了教材中的进化论,他们说没有看到猴子变成人类,这可以被视为一个进步的象征。这意味着统御我们头脑几百年的错误认知终于有了一丝裂缝。作为佛法的发源地,印度一直是我感兴趣的国家。在印度,有相当比例的国民一直都相信神的存在,他们在恒河里沐浴祈祷洗衣。这些相信神祇存在的国民,他们把历史上那些超越现代人认知的神奇事件视为真实发生的历史,(譬如印度教神祗克里希纳曾把高沃达山托在手指上。)而大部分其他国家早就把这些历史当作荒诞不经的神话来看待。(譬如你可以试着在美国人面前一本正经讲述耶叔用五个面包和两条鱼喂饱了五千多人,然后观察他们的表情。)这让他们走在了最前面。在本世纪二十年代,美国政府开始羞羞答答半公开地承认外星生命的存在——他们公布了一些不明飞行物存在的证据——这件事冲击了大部分人的知识体系,他们一直被教导我们是宇宙中唯一的智慧文明生物。而现在,他们将不得不面对自己可能只是银河系几千亿颗星球几百万个文明之一的残酷现实,这让他们的价值观有点经受不住。这件事引发的后续效应是有些聪明的人开始重新审视自己之前所获得的知识体系。应该说,这不是件坏事。 必须说明的是,我从来不是这些人中的一员。我从来不相信人是猴子变成的。与猴子相比,我更乐意相信人是猫或者饭盒变的。我的朋友们都知道,我一直都是中国传统文化的铁杆支持者,我也一直认为现代科技文明远远不足以理解中国传统文化的价值。我从不觉得现化科技文明减少了人类的痛苦。是的,电力的出现让我们减少了爬楼梯...