
Ling Shan Hermit: What kind of knowledge truly serves your needs?

Maximilian Karl Emil Weber suggested that Confucianism is not a branch of practical learning, but simply a value system aimed at maintaining social order. So, in his view, what constitutes practical learning? Studies that examine the number of teeth a crow possesses, when elephants engage in mating activities, the exact measurement of the distance between Earth and the moon, and the methods to increase the computational power of microchips, all likely fall under Weber’s definition of practical learning.

I used to frequently watch BBC documentaries, which often featured Western scientists journeying to Africa. They took blood samples from animals living there and measured their blood pressure, carefully logging data about the mating behaviors of African lions. The stated purpose of such research was that it would aid in our understanding of these creatures and consequently improve our ability to help them. When I was young, I might have thought that their work had some significance. Now, hearing such justifications, I find it somewhat amusing. In my view, as humans, our first priority should be understanding ourselves. Only when we thoroughly comprehend ourselves can we genuinely help ourselves, and then truly assist others, whether it’s elephants or the indigenous people of Africa. Despite the long history of human existence, our self-understanding has not significantly surpassed that of our ancestors in the Stone Age. Knowing the number of bones in our body, understanding how blood circulates, how diseases originate, or grasping Freud’s anal stage theory does not constitute self-understanding. Truly understanding oneself involves grasping the actual condition of our body and mind, both in relative and absolute terms. In this aspect, Western modern civilization is nearly vacant. It is indeed ironic that Westerners devote so much time and energy into researching animals, plants, and even Mars, while remaining largely ignorant about themselves.

I often see many people posting various things on their social media circles. From what they share, it’s clear that most of them do not truly understand themselves: they neither know their own capabilities nor recognize the stage they’re at in their life or spiritual development. They are unaware of what they need and what they can realistically achieve. This lack of self-awareness leaves their lives and spiritual progress in a state of hopelessness. One of the most important aspects of Confucian education is self-understanding, helping you to pinpoint your position in every moment. Only by understanding yourself can you know who you are, understand who others are, and discern what to do and say in each situation. It allows you to understand priorities and gauge whether your actions are appropriate and correct. Most people today lack this ability. They don’t know who they are or who others are, and their understanding of their own and others’ roles is entirely misguided. Consequently, they often create awkward or ridiculous situations.

I’ve witnessed many individuals who, metaphorically speaking, would attempt to place an elephant’s hat on a mouse, or suggest a cat and a mouse to share a meal together. Not understanding your own position or the positions of others can make you come across as unsophisticated, causing trouble in virtually everything you do. When you misunderstand your own position or that of others, everything else tends to misalign as a consequence. This is one of the primary sources of distress in the modern world. Therefore, from my perspective, there’s no more vital practical knowledge than this. Without understanding these concepts, your life and spiritual practice are essentially destined for failure. The conveniences offered by modern technological products (what Maximilian Karl Emil Weber would term as ‘practical knowledge’) are far from sufficient to compensate or replace the devastating consequences caused by the modern individual’s misunderstanding of traditional culture. Thus, this is the practical knowledge everyone should acquire.

To someone living in the Zhoushan Islands, acquiring knowledge about the routines and dietary preferences of a koala holds virtually no significance to their daily life — unless, perhaps, they aspire to take a koala as a life partner. Otherwise, this kind of information bears little relevance to them. Life is fleeting; the majority of us are granted just over 26,000 days on Earth. Therefore, it’s essential that you invest those precious days learning about things that directly enrich your life, rather than delving into trivialities such as the dental count of seagulls or their nesting habits. For those engaged in spiritual practices, what’s truly valuable is learning to understand oneself and the world around us, discerning one’s own circumstances and needs, and seeking out the teachings and mentors that resonate with you. These are elements often lacking in many people’s lives, and they’re certainly not insights one can gain by solely observing African elephants or interacting with a chatbot like chatGPT.

Ling Shan Hermit wrote this on June 1, 2023, and it was first published on June 3, 2023.




古大德有言:“正人修邪法,邪法亦正;邪人修正法,正法亦邪。”世有大机大用者,其于一切圣俗之法,信手拈来皆成佛法;魔王用以惑人之物,于其手中皆可用以渡人解缚。此等圣者善秉魔王之利剑,反刺魔王,擅以其人之道治其人之身。此智者之大用也。世间愚迷之人虽秉佛法之剑,自谓修道,然其所修之道,不伤无明,反伤诸佛法,不减贪嗔,反增垢染。智者可用佛法杀我执,亦可用魔法杀我执,愚者佛法魔法皆不得杀我。其所擅者,乃是将杀我之法,修成护我之师。是以,智者可于邪中修正,夺魔王之兵械,为我所用。愚者只能于正中修邪,其兵械武器尽数为魔所缴。 如来教法,度九乘根基,有实说权说,又有胜义世俗之分。其一言一语,皆非凡夫初学可解,若无明眼人在侧匡正,任一教言,皆可惑人。此非教言惑人也,乃吾人之曲解惑人也。然曲解者皆不知其曲解也,皆不知其已入魔王之彀中矣。盖因魔王之智慧远胜其也。 今世之修者,多无师在侧督导,盲修瞎练,又兼自命聪慧,于师佛之言,常作吾我之解,师心自用。借密法之理,行贪嗔之事;令如来教法,成魔王利器;使解缚之言,成杀佛之器。悲夫。 余常谓诸学者言: “ 任一佛言师语,若非师详解,无师把关,吾人擅解,必致偏矣。后必为我所用,必成贪嗔护法,令我执无伤,习气完备,令毕生修行,徒具虚名,纵修百年见解习气依旧如故。汝等众人,日常之交流,一语未说全者,尚且为魔所乘,生诸事端。何况修心改命成佛覆我之法,魔王岂有听之任之不加干涉之理。是以,当慎之又慎之。 ” 余观世间好物,无不为魔所用,无不为魔所渗,佛教儒教耶教概莫能外,此东西方之共同也。魔王于圣贤之教,日夜难寐,常思毁之。然魔王之毁,非烟销灰灭之毁,乃借尸还魂之毁也。如虫蛀木,日日蚕食,为魔所蚕食者,皆徒具形而内空矣。如史上之儒家,又如愚人之修道,皆有其形而无其魂。 晚近“自由”一语自西舶来,人人皆向往之。然凡俗之人心虽向往,实不知何谓真自由,更不知通自由之正途。魔观众生于此未深解,后借隙而入,令自由变放纵,人间变欢场。其假自由之名,为不可为之事,释千年压抑之欲,正贪嗔痴之名,毁众生修道之基。又假自由之名,令邪见无阻拦,人皆可畅言,后劣币驱逐良币,狮离穴而犬狐占。如今日美利坚欧罗巴之雌雄莫辨诸般乱象,皆是自由平等博爱为魔所用之果矣。又如儒家一脉,本为圣贤设教道之浅途,后为盲者所解王者所用,沦为向上叩门之学,令夫子蒙冤。此皆魔之手笔也。 灵山居士写于 20


这几天我在阅读奥地利作家斯蒂芬 . 茨威格( Stefan Zweig )的回忆录《昨日的世界》( Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäer ),这本书于上世纪四十年代初在瑞典斯德哥尔摩首次出版。在这本书里,茨威格富有感情地描述了他眼中第一次世界大战之前的欧洲,那个已经逝去的旧世界 —— 那个只存在于黑白照片里的昨日的世界。他回忆当时的奥匈帝国首都维也纳,回忆当时维也纳市民们宽松无忧的生活。他认为那是这个世界少有的黄金时代 ——— 我相信大多数读者读了之后都会有同感。那时候的维也纳,大多数人生活的都很轻松。因为有完善的社会福利保险制度,大部分人没有什么压力,人与人之间和善宽容,他们生活中很少有大的变动。他们做事情都不慌不忙 —— 因为着急忙慌被认为是有失教养的举动。生活在那个时代的人们甚至认为战争已经远离这个世界。在书中,茨威格还谈到了他的祖父母和父母,他认为他们都是幸福的人,他们的一生之中从未有过大风浪,他们没有像他的子孙那样经历战争,他们都 “ 平静、顺利、清白的度过了自己的一生。 ” 如果你有着二十一世纪的思维,你肯定会同意他的看法。你会认为一战之前的欧洲那七八十年是黄金时代,没有战争,没有饥荒,科技高度发展,人们生活无忧,大家都对未来充满期待,只有很少的人去欺诈抢劫。但是如果我们用修行者的眼光来看,可能会得出另外的结论。一战之前整个维也纳都沉醉在音乐的世界里。音乐在他们的生活里占据了重要的位置。无论是贵族伯爵还是普通市民,都把音乐视为生活中的头等大事。说实话,我很同情生活在这种文化下的人们。生活在这样的社会里,他们几乎被掐断了所有思维实相的机会。比起维也纳的金色音乐盛宴,印度恒河边的火堆或许更能拉近你和相对实相的距离,更能启发你去寻找真理。但是大多数二十一世纪的头脑绝不会这么认为,他们不会认为后者比前者更加先进。他们认为前者才是高等文明。 对我这样的修行人而言,他们 “ 平静、顺利、清白的度过了自己的一生。 ” 这句话的意思是,他们浪费了一生的时间,他们像昆虫一样活了一辈子。 阅读这本书的时候我完全没有感觉这些生活在十九世纪末的欧洲人离我很遥远,他们和现在的人非常相似——他们和现在的人一样认为自己已经知道所有的答案,和现在的人一样缺乏探索的心,和现在的人一样沉迷于完全没有意义的事情,他们从不试图从已知


过去这二十多年,世界一直处于巨大的变迁之中,过去这二十多年,我经常看到各色人等,他们有自己的工作自己的家庭,每天忙着在朋友圈晒孩子晒大餐晒旅游照片,但同时他们又都宣称自己是修行人。他们是我的偶像。我非常佩服他们能一边工作一边度假一边带孩子一边修行,什么都不耽误,这是龙钦巴和惠能都无法做到的。我还经常看到有人跑去臧地转了一圈,拍几张照片,见几个老师,然后回来之后就宣称自己是修行人,然后就开始了他们的漫长的佛教式自我满足之旅。 很多人认为这是这个时代特有的修行现象,但是我相当怀疑。我知道的修行从来不是这个样子的,我知道的修行人也从来不是这个样子的。那些真正修行过的人都知道修行是非常艰难危险的事,你投入全副精力都未必能修好,何况是三心二意。如果你认为你可以一边过着快乐的世俗生活一边在精神领域有所成就,那说明你压根就不知道什么是修行。过去的那些传统的修行人,他们开始修行的时候都很谨慎,他们接受灌顶也都很谨慎,他们成立师徒关系也都很谨慎。过去的那些老师,他们在选择徒弟上很谨慎,他们不会来者不拒,他们会考察弟子的人品,会要求很多东西,如果他们看到现在某些老师有几万弟子可能会咂舌不已。而现在这些人,他们开车旅行到了某个寺庙,一时心血来潮就可以成为佛教徒。他们不需要知道佛教的规矩,不需要评估自己的能力,不需要被考验,也不需要认真思考佛教法义。成为佛教徒对他们而言和成为健身房会员没任何差别。这种泛滥的结缘拉低了修行者的门槛,让很多不懂修行的人都自以为是在修行。 为什么会发生这样的事?这其中有很多原因,我相信贪欲在这中间扮演了相当重要的角色。对有些人来说,如果有人想成为弟子,他们是来者不拒的(他们会拿出菩提心当理由)。而那些想成为弟子的人,很多人是想得到一些回去能炫耀的东西。所以他们一拍即合,双方都得到了自己想要的东西,双方都很满意。唯一受伤害的是佛教。今天我们能看到这么多糟糕的修行人,就是这种泛滥式结缘的后果。 有些人认为结缘也很重要,但是像这种结缘我认为更类似于到处留情而不负责。而且其实你并不缺结缘,你生在中国这样的地方,打开电视机就能看到观音菩萨。所以,你并不缺少结缘。现在这样的佛教徒泛滥成灾,你到处都能看到那种号称是在修密法却连做人都不懂的人。要知道,成为佛教修行者并不像给自己泡杯手冲咖啡那么简单,这是一个非常严肃的决定,它关系到你之后的生生世世,关系到你下一世是否还能继续做人