
Hermit of Ling Mountain: Be not deceived by others, by oneself, nor by the myriad phenomena.


Typically, the true Dharma will make you feel hurt and frustrated, filling you with a sense of failure and directly pointing to those hidden things deep within your heart. It will strip you bare, leaving no place for your ego to hide. It teaches you how to honestly face your true condition, instructing you not to deceive yourself or others. Ultimately, it leaves you a glimmer of hope, never completely devastating, preventing you from self-abandonment and despair.

In contrast to the real Dharma, things that pretend to be Dharma usually fill you with confidence. The more you engage, the more powerful you feel. The primary function of false Dharma is to repair and maintain your illusions: maintaining the illusion that you are a powerful practitioner, the illusion that you're constantly striving in practice, the illusion that you are kind and compassionate. If you identify yourself as a practitioner and have never felt frustrated, then you may never have come into contact with the true Dharma, nor have you genuinely practiced.

Contrary to common perception, false Dharma does not solely come from those who misappropriate Buddhism or those who lack understanding of it. Many of its sources are highly orthodox. They may stem from orthodox teachers, Buddhist scriptures, or any historical master. However, once they reach you, they are neutered, trimmed, and morphed into a false Dharma that serves your ego. I've seen many people in my circle quote a phrase from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. The original intent of that phrase was to annihilate the ego (or at least to wound it), but evidently, it has been interpreted by them in a completely opposite sense. What I see is many individuals' "ego" being nourished and encouraged by that phrase — their ego has learned a new rhetoric to sustain itself. The same scenario has occurred with masters like Padmasambhava and Huineng, which is deeply regrettable.

In fact, if you lack adequate practice and genuine guidance, it's impossible for you to truly understand these words. As a result, any true Dharma, when it reaches you, will morph into false Dharma, and the words of any master will be twisted into something entirely different when they reach you. The "ego" is eager to accept this kind of Dharma because it can craft it into a fitting armor and weapon. The words themselves are not at fault; they stem from enlightened masters and, if heard by those who can accurately interpret them, will function as intended. Yet, when they reach you, issues arise, mainly due to your misinterpretation. Bear in mind, though, people who can correctly understand the teachings of a guru or the Dharma are not commonplace. Therefore, we need the safeguarding of experienced teachers. The devil's influence is ubiquitous and can seep into almost all aspects of life. If you lack the experience to battle against these forces, you may fall prey to manipulation no matter which way you lean. For example, Buddhism often encourages questioning and contemplation, but many are unsure of what exactly they should be challenging or pondering. They question the wrong things and can be led astray by demonic forces to question what should not be. What they should be questioning is why white is perceived as white, why a cat is considered a cat; they should be challenging these perceptions, the common belief of how phenomena exist. Yet, many devote their time to observing whether their guru performs each action flawlessly as they envisage. However, if you advise them not to question, they encounter problems just the same. They don't fully grasp what "do not question" means and can blindly follow their guru's words like fools, even if it means pouring boiling water on their own feet. So, if you lack sufficient intelligence, experiential practice, and alertness, you may be exploited by demonic forces whether you choose to question or not. If you lack intelligence and do not have the guidance of a teacher, nearly everything you do is liable to manipulation, and any Dharma you read may be twisted by your ego. This is the harsh reality.

We, as people living in this world, if not confused by others, are perplexed by ourselves or bewildered by the myriad of phenomena. In reality, much of the time, we are in a state of confusion triggered by all these three elements combined. The ultimate goal of practicing Buddhism is to evolve into a person who is not baffled by others, oneself, or by any phenomena, although achieving this is notably challenging.

Written by Ling Shan Ju Shi on March 1, 2023, and first published on March 3, 2023.





你有没有想过,你的想法你的观念是从何而来?或者说,你的想法你的观念真的是你的想法你的观念吗?它们真的属于你吗?还是你被影响的结果?假如它不是你的想法,只是你被影响被灌输的结果那你还有必要去死命维护它吗? 作为人类,我们天然就会维护那些和自己相关的事物。如果有人在网上批评你上过的大学,你马上就会觉得自己也受到了伤害,你会站出来为它辩护。你会有这种防卫性的反应,是因为你觉得它是你的一部分。同样的事情也发生在你的猫、你喜欢的电影、你的股票、你正在用的口红牌子上面,因为这些东西和你相关,你不允许别人说它不好,假如有人说它不好,你会觉得自己也连带受到了伤害,你会本能地去维护它。潜意识里,你认为它们是你的一部分。当它们受到攻击,也就等同于你受到了攻击。 所以,当你怀揣着这样的认知来到佛教,开始修行,特别是当你开始修持以师为道,如果你的老师开始慢慢发力,开始搓磨你的“自我”,这个时候你就会经常感觉自己受到伤害。你会觉得老师经常攻击你,他会攻击你的价值观、攻击你的习惯、攻击你喜欢的东西。(这里所谓的“攻击”并不一定是指他说了什么做了什么。有时候他什么也没说,只是在那坐着,你也会感觉自己被攻击。大修行者有这样的能力。他们只是坐在那里,就能让你的“自我”感觉到威胁。)这让你精神高度紧张。而你之所以会觉得自己受到攻击,是因为你把你的价值观你的想法你的习惯所有这些和自己相关的东西全都视为自己的一部分。但这是相当奇怪的观念,因为这些东西没有一个是你自己打造出来的。你有没有认真想过,你为什么会有现在这样的价值观?为什么会喜欢夜跑喜欢徒步喜欢轻断食?为什么会认为 RIMOWA 旅行箱是身份的象征?为什么觉得一定要去看《出走的决心》?这些价值观和生活方式是你发明的吗?还是那些不可抗影响力的结果?如果它们不是你发明的,那它们又怎么会是你的一部分。所以,你不妨问一下自己,你的价值观里有哪些是你自己发明的?你对世界的认知里又有哪些是你自己独创的?我们每天都在主动被动吸收各种信息,这些信息组成了我们对世界的看法。虽然这些看法观念生活方式没有哪一个是我们自己想出来的,但我们却视它们如己出,不容许任何人亵渎。有人或许会说,我们视它们如己出是因为它们是对的是好的,所以我们才会把它当作自己的价值观来守护。但是我不认为说这话的人有能力判断哪些价值观是正确的是对自他有益的。这么多年我几乎没见过能判断这些的人。你认为对...


  2024 年初,有位朋友跟我说,因为整个世界的转变,现在有很多人开始把眼光转向了玄学领域,然后我慢慢就看到了所谓的玄学创业,看到了禅修创业,就我而言,这些人的出现并不特别令人担忧。从释迦牟尼佛时代以来,这些东西就一直都存在,利用佛法挣钱并非什么新鲜事,只不过大多数时候他们都没这么明目张胆。现在新出现的这些不过是些最粗陋最初级的“自我”海洛因、禅修丽春院和精神老鸨。而且他们只是为了赚钱。这让他们看上去没有那么虚伪,也更容易识别。比起这些一点也不专业的外行搞的东西,更让我担忧其实是修行界内部的人。这些人有真正的传承和老师,有真实的法脉,但是他们却在搞同样的东西。比起那些外行的禅修,他们所提供的东西要精致的多,迷惑性大得多。这样的人为数并不少,虽然他们有老师有传承、虽然他们每天都在念诵功课,但是他们却从未真正修行过。虽然他们从未真正修行过,但是他们却以修行者的身份示人。因为他们有正统的老师和传承,有专业的法器和服饰,又好像很努力地在修行。所以,相对于前者,他们更容易欺瞒大众,让大众认为他们是真正的修行者,认为从他们那里能得到真正的佛法而非精神海洛因。因为大多数人根本就从来也不知道什么是真正的修行。所以他们自然也就无法辨别谁是真正的修行者。这让这些伪修行者得以对自己和他人维持自己是修行者的假象。虽然他们嘴上说的和网上发的全都是正统教言,但是因为他们从不观察内心,也从未审视过自己的价值观,他们不知道自己身上每天发生的事,不知道自己的真实观念从未被动摇。因为从不观察内心,这让魔王得以乘虚而入,在他和他的受众头脑里大肆改造佛法。他们选择性地接受教法,把那些锋利的教法磨平去势。所以,他们所提供的教法,他们发在朋友圈和微博上的东西,那些神圣的教言,被肢解和扭曲,慢慢就变成了精神海洛因,变成了禅修丽春院,而他们自己则变成了精神上的老鸨。他们的受众,则是那些想在精神世界里爽一把的人。这些人,他们不真的想修行解脱,他们只想放松一下自己紧绷的神经,想在精神世界里寻欢作乐。在这场世纪寻欢中,金刚乘无疑成了他们的最佳容身所在,金刚乘不反对贪嗔痴,不敌视欲望(这是他们的理解),所以备受他们的欢迎。这两种人组成了现在相当一部分的修行者。他们是真正的梦幻组合。每天都梦想着不修解脱,梦想着不除贪嗔痴成佛,梦想着不负如来不负卿,梦想着世俗佛法两不误。 作为尚未摆脱无明束缚的人,我们大多数人都还...


在《风骚律师》 Better Call Saul Season 的最后一集,在新墨西哥州阿尔布开克的沙漠里,背靠着储水池的吉米(索尔·古德曼)问麦克:“如果有时光机的话,你最想去哪里,想去古罗马?还是去美国内战时期?”麦克思考了一下,说:如果可以的话,他想去十年之后,看看他在意的某些人过得好不好。后来同样的问题吉米在跑路的时候又问了沃尔特·怀特一遍,怀特老师直接指出:“你不是在谈论时光机,你是在谈论后悔,你想问我有没有后悔的事。” 如果时光可以倒流,我相信吉米(索尔·古德曼)绝对不会在某个午后走进那所中学,去见未来的绝命毒师当时制毒事业才刚刚起步的高中化学老师沃尔特·怀特。他也绝对不想认识纳乔,不想认识拉罗,不想被卷进毒枭们的战争,如果能重新选择的话,他肯定不会去恶作剧霍华德——他的恶作剧最终导致他死于非命。这是他一直都在懊悔的事,虽然在这件事上他表现的远没有他妻子那么明显。这件事毁了他的生活,毁了他的人生,毁了他的一切。而这一切都起始于他 20 岁的时候在百货商店门口假装摔倒碰瓷。从那时候起他就一直为自己的小聪明而洋洋自得,每次他都能凭借他的小聪明化险为夷顺利脱身,他一直迷恋自己的聪明,直到霍华德在他面前被拉罗一枪打穿颅骨,才击碎了他的迷梦。但是人生的选择不可撤回,我们做了选择就要承受后果。而我们会做出什么样的选择取决于我们的价值观,取决于我们对世界的认知、对幸福的认知。看似有选择其实没有选择。如果再来一次的话,我们肯定还是会那么选。 我的人生有很多遗憾,唯一没有遗憾的是我选择了佛法。如果时光可以倒流的话,我不会选择和我的父亲冷战,不会选择结婚,我会更珍惜我的猫,我会遵从上师的话,对每个人都更温柔。不会那么坚贞决绝。不会什么事都那么认真。这样的话我可能不会留下那些遗憾。所幸,那些让我们懊悔的、那些让我们不安的,也会引领我们反省,让我们获得修正自己的机会。有时候我会想,如果不是有轮回,如果没有佛法,我可能就永远无法补偿他们。对吉米(索尔·古德曼)来说,他只能靠坐牢去弥补自己的过错。但是这对他伤害的那些人完全没有作用。那些死去的人,他们不会因为他的坐牢而获益。对他的老婆金柏莉来说,说出霍华德遇害的真相是她所能做的对自己最大的救赎。而对我来说,我可以用很多方式弥补他们,虽然我不知道他们现在在哪里,不知道他们过的怎么样,不知道他们长什么样,我一样可以用佛法来利益和祝福他们...